The Magellan

Traveler Blog

Keeping The Pulse On Operations

Keeping The Pulse On Operations

The benefits of staying connected with the core of your business

By Christophe Chabaudie


I can’t imagine being disconnected with the operations aspect of Magellan Study Abroad. I find it essential to keep a close eye on this aspect of my company. For the last 8 years I have made a point to travel with student groups on short spring break trips, as Tour Leader, and month long immersion programs as Program Director. I consider this participation important in so many ways. Making sure our programs keep up the pace, balance of activities, and the value for money insures that we stand apart from other student travel companies. More importantly, I continue to keep the pulse of operations in order to assess one of the most important aspects of all: the quality and safety of services we contract, as a US based company buying services abroad. Hotels, bus companies, airlines, tour guides: an infinite array of people come together to create an excellent educational trip or immersion program, aside from our savoir-faire.


Magellan Study Abroad staff is gifted with stellar qualities they use every day on the ground, but they must also rely on so many elements they sometimes have no control of. I believe it is important to continually assess our partnerships with service providers we constantly rely on. I especially like to chat with bus drivers, hotel staff or restaurant waiters. This is far more interesting than the corporate message we are bombarded with from marketing professionals, the promotional piece we get in the mail, or the fancy website that has just been redesigned.


Staying plugged-in with the core of business, for me, has proven to be an incredible source of information and inspiration over the years. I am also very aware of the difficulties that can arise for a Tour Leader. With this experience I can put myself in their shoes whenever my staff needs help, suggestions, or when a pesky problem surfaces. I wouldn’t be managing my travel and educational company properly if I never exited my office. What you learn on the ground is a fountain of information and if properly used can continuously be analyzed and utilized to keep a competitive advantage. I finished yesterday a month long program with the same great sense of pride and accomplishment as if it was my first study abroad program, that too is the sign that my passion for my job and our customers satisfaction is very much alive.


You can check out the latest Magellan Study Abroad immersion program travel blog at:

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